Leader of the most comprehensive non-surgical laser hair transplantation centre

Leader of the most comprehensive non-surgical laser hair transplantation centre

Exclusive in-depth interview with ‘Dr. Nida’ at Nida Esth' Medical Centre

“The centre of the most exclusive technique to increase the thickness and number of hairs without surgery. The Comprehensive solutions to all hair loss and thinning hair in one place”

     Over the past ten years, Nida Esth' Medical Centre has established a strong reputation among national elites, businessmen, and celebrities in Asia and the Middle East as a premier medical facility for non-surgical hair transplantation. In more than 1,000 cases, Dr. Nida has restored patients' confidence with the results of natural thick hair, and ever-increasing numbers of patients have lined up for consultations and treatment. To talk about the most outstanding and popular service among the non-surgical hair transplantation programs of Nida Esth' Medical Centre, it is unavoidable not to mention about the UR Cell Hair MicroTransplant+ as it is considered a pioneering technique that Dr. Nida and her medical team have invented and developed which is the first and only technique in Thailand that has achieved the most effective results in non-surgically treating hair loss from patients all over the world.

     A non-surgical hair transplant program called UR Cell Hair MicroTransplant+ combines the European hair growth research with the Japanese thickening method developed by Professor Dr. Fukuoka Hirotaro, who is regarded as the originator of non-surgical hair transplantation in Japan. In a new chapter of the treatment of hair loss problems caused by Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) or hormones and heredity, Dr. Nida and her medical team have taken the expertise of both techniques to further develop into a non-surgical hair transplant that is recognised as a revolution in the traditional hair transplantation industry. They have done this by using stem cells, for the first time, for truly thick and natural results without undergoing surgery and taking medication that runs the risk of sexual dysfunction.”

     The UR Cell Hair MicroTransplant+ employs a technique to "extract" the "hair root cells" of patients with hair loss at the location where there is healthy hair left over in order to acquire living and healthy hair cells that are ready to be processed to "MicroTransplant" into the hair follicle in the problematic areas. Men and women of all ages who have early- to moderate-stage of AGA are candidates for the procedure. As a result, the ability to grow new hair without surgery has drawn the attention of many patients from all over Thailand and other international countries, who have come to receive treatment in large quantities, to the point where it has been recognised and guaranteed with a regional award chosen by patients throughout Asia. Ultimately, Nida Esth' Medical Centre was chosen by 168AsiaTopTen as "The Most Effective Hair Transplantation Centre" for 2 consecutive years (2021-2022).

     In the past year 2022, Nida Esth' Medical Centre received a prestigious award from the editorial board of the magazine "Hello’ from Thailand," which named it "The Most Trusted Cosmetic Surgery Center & Leader in Aesthetic Laser Technology". This achievement was made possible by all members of Nida Esth' Medical Centre in every department who had given all of their determination and dedication to find the best technology to address all of the patients' problems and concerns.

     And to fully accommodate patients' needs and requests, recently, the Nida Esth Medical Centre medical team, under the direction of "Dr. Nida', has decided to make an investment in a cutting-edge American technology called the Fotona Dynamis Pro with Scanner, which has received international acclaims and USFDA certification. Therefore, "Nida Esth" Medical Centre is, at this very moment, the first and only facility in Thailand where uses Fotona Dynamis Pro technology, which is complete in all modes of operation for a full range of treatment options from head to toe.”

     Today, we'll speak with "Dr. Sunida Yuthayotin," also known as "Dr. Nida”, the American Board in Beauty in Aesthetic Medicine, CEO & Founder of Nida Esth' Medical Centre: a Premium Laser & Cosmetic Surgery Institute" on its success as a pioneer in non-surgical hair transplantation and to delve into the most recent technology that more thoroughly and completely addresses the needs of people with hair loss-thinning problems.

     The Success of Nida Esth Medical Centre's ground-breaking non-surgical hair transplant program with UR cell hair microtransplant+

     In this 2022, the COVID situation began to subside and more patients returned to our medical centre. Hair transplantation with UR Cell Hair MicroTransplant+ is considered as the procedure that received the best response from both Thais and foreign visitors during this year.

     I discovered that UR Cell Hair MicroTransplant+ can successfully treat my patients who have hair loss at early to moderate levels due to AGA, but the unique feature that sets it apart and grabs patients' attention is the lack of oral medicine and surgery. Therefore, it is specifically for individuals who are concerned about drug side effects, going through surgery, and pain as well as those who don't want to shave their heads, and who don’t have time to recuperate for a long period of time.

     In the hair transplant industry, the effects of UR Cell Hair MicroTransplant are clear in increasing both the quantity and quality of new hair. Additionally, it makes new hair stronger and less prone to falling out. However, UR Cell Hair MicroTransplant+ is ultimately unable to help people with hair loss caused by other more extensive causes because of the limitation of being able to cure hair loss from hormonal and genetic causes alone. To best address these issues, the medical team consequently conducts research on numerous technologies and procedures. As a result, the Fotona HAIRestart® Plus Growth Factor program, which addresses all aspects of hair loss and thinning hair concerns, is discovered, utilising Fotona Dynamis Pro with Scanner, a USFDA-standard piece of equipment. It is considered as another alternative to solve hair loss and thinning hair problems without surgery, covering and answering all dimensions of hair loss problems.”

     The latest technique of non-surgical hair transplantation with Fotona HAIRestart® program from Fotona Dynamis Pro combined with the function of Bio Growth Factor

     The Fotona HAIRestart® program is one of Fotona Dynamis Pro's unique functions designed to deliver beam energy and intensity optimised for the treatment of hair loss by being able to send signals to…

  • “Awaken” the dead hair follicles to be ready for new hair growth
  • “Stimulate” hair follicle stem cells to accelerate natural hair growth
  • Restore” the health of the scalp and increase metabolism at the cellular level for the division of hair follicle cells
  • "Strengthen" hair growth so that it is robust and healthy as well as less likely to fall out

     The Er:YAG (Non-ablative) laser beam used by Fotona HAIRestart® is emitted into the scalp tissue at a wavelength of 2940 nm, and when the scalp is stimulated at the proper temperature, the atrophying hair follicles are "awakened" with varied effects to the scalp without harming the surrounding tissues, improving blood flow that nourishes hair development and efficiently encouraging the growth of new hair. It also hastens the regeneration of the atrophying hair follicles and aids in the reduction of hair follicle inflammation.

     But as a result of additional study, Dr. Nida has improved the Fotona HAIRestart® program's treatment recommendations by combining it with a "Bio Growth Factor" (also known as a biological growth factor) that has the power to stimulate stem cell growth in the area of the hair follicles. This combination is intended to maximise the potential for hair growth.

     It was discovered that the results are extremely satisfactory based on the treatment of hundreds of patients. For those who experience hair loss issues due to factors other than hormones and genetics, such as

  • Hormonal changes in the body such as Menopause
  • The use of harsh chemicals and heat on the hair and scalp
  • Hair loss from childbirth and postoperative conditions
  • The consequences of the disease that causes hair loss Hair loss Long Covid can also be treated

     A non-surgical treatment for hair loss and thinning hair, Fotona HAIRestart® Plus Bio Growth Factor boosts the quantity and density of hair. It is appropriate for persons who want to address hair loss issues caused by factors other than hormones and heredity. It is also appropriate for those who have had hair transplants and want to keep the results of the procedure, as well as for people who have a family history of hereditary thinning hair or hair loss and want to avoid potential future issues. Depending on the doctor's diagnosis based on the evaluation of the severity and response of the patient in each individual along with the dispensing of medications to enhance the function of regenerating new hair as well, we will start to see clear results after about 8-12 treatments for every 1-2 weeks.

     The process of analysing hair problems at the cellular level with the "Nano Score Robotic System," in which Dr. Nida has invested and imported from Germany worth more than 6 digits in order to specifically analyse hair problems and address the questions that patients are concerned about, such as whether these problems can be treated or not, is another significant factor that makes Nida Esth' Medical Centre successful in treating hair loss and hair thinning problems. In addition to being able to clearly demonstrate and contrast the outcomes before and after treatment, patients can also verify medically that the procedure has the desired effect.

     "So, if you're searching for a non-surgical method to effectively treat hair loss, you can visit a specialist doctor and undergo an analysis with the Nano Score Robotic System to analyse your hair and scalp in-depth at the cellular level to count the number of hairs and calculate their average density as a percentage in order to create a customised AI treatment plan especially for you.

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