Light is effective in disinfecting P.acnes which is the main cause of inflamed acnes, because P.acne infection can produce Porphyrins of Copro-prophyrins III type which can absorb light of 415 nm (Blue Light).When Prophyrinsabsorbts light, it will be able to disinfect bacteria.
The Blue Light from i-Clear will destroy P.acne bacteria. Studies from several dermatology institutes provedthat Blue Light can effectively decrease acne inflammation by more than 70% within 1 month, which is considered much faster than conventional treatment by 3 times.
Acne is a common skin disease caused by sebaceous follicle which main locations are face, chest and upper back. Genetic is one important cause if acne, usually every sebaceous gland has its pores. When they produce sebum, it will secrete to the skin. Main cause of acne is obstruction of the pores and become a comedone.
2 main cause of the sebaceous gland obstruction
2 Kinds of Comedones
Sometimes our natural body defense mechanism can cause acne scar on our skin. If you leave your inflamed acne for a long time, the White Blood Cells in your skin will secrete some kinds of enzymes to digest bacteria. This enzyme is not specific, it can digest both bacteria and the collagen structure at the same time. If you have your acne for a long time, you will develop collagen destruction and leads to acne scar.
- Clear utilizes advanced technology and only uses Blue Light which is effective in disinfecting only P.acnebacteria, and is UV-free while poses no side effect.
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