Deep lock Gold Laser

Deep lock BA1 BA2 BA3

Deep Lock Gold Laser

Slimmer Face • Younger Looking Skin • More V-Shap

No Surgery ✦ No Injection ✦ No Pain


Deep Lock Gold Laser

             A research from France shows that Deep Lock Gold Laser is a technology that combines the laser treatment with gold nanoparticles – pure gold energies. It can release “High Intensity Focus Ultrasound” into skin layers to adjust its functions and turn our face to be more tightened and v-shaped, increasing its brightness and decreasing wrinkles which result in the satisfied youthful face without surgical procedures and pain, even received the full treatment of Deep Lock Gold Laser.


How can deep gold 5D lift make us look younger? 

 Lifting face supporting muscle branches called Superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS)

D4 : FAT 
Remove excess fat & Fat Realignment

D3 : FIRM 
 Strengthen Collagen + Elastin Network

 Brighten the skin tone

Retrieve youthfulness by Photobiostimulation in DNA level


Deep lock gold laser is stable frequency wave energy that is safe and highly effective, resulting in a visibly different outcome after the first treatment.


Who are suitable for Deep lock gold laser?

·       Who desires of a smaller and more v-shaped face

·       Who wants to have smooth and bright facial skin

·       Who has sagging facial skin problems

·       Who has sagging skin due to fat and muscular system malfunctions

·       Who has wrinkles due to fat

·       Who does not want to undergo surgery but in need of a v-shaped face



Why is Deep Lock Gold Laser unique?

      Once Deep Lock Gold Laser combined with Fractional HIFU Line, Circular FLUX HIFU and Gold laser 635 [DI Youth] – a technology that rejuvenates, brightens our skin and strengthen collagen and elastin under skin, it can help reshaping our face by tightening our facial muscles.

      Fractional HIFU Line is a third generation of the latest HIFU Technology, generated by the high concentration of gold, emits putative ultrasound in the frequency of 10,000 times per sec (1 MHz). In the combination of special therapeutic technique “Criss-cross” from the French invention, causing HIFU, therefore, to release energy precisely, and twice the energy in order to rapid treatment procedure without any pains or irritations on skin. With the state-of-the art and advanced innovation, we can accurately adjust the focal depth into 5 levels at 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, or 5 mm.



Dimension 5 Lift : Strengthen GMAS that supports facial structures.

Dimension 4 Fat : Re-alignment of Fat Cell to get rid of excess fat in many parts of a body such as such as a double chin and sagging cheeks. 


  • Results from D5 + D4 restoration “LIFTING EFFECT”
  • 80% of the patients felt the most satisfactory.
  • Chin and cheeks were lifted, and facial skin was healthy.
  • Fat layer was thinner around 0.55-0.6 mm.






·      LLLT 635 could alter Skin Cell DNA, leading to a change in cell morphology towards “Healthy Shape”, and ultimately young-looking
       and healthy skin.

·      Increase oxygen exchange in cellular level.

·      Activate the production of collagen & elastin.

·      Accelerate healing process.


When the cells turn into young stage, your face will also look younger, brighter and tighter


Processes of Deep Lock Gold Laser

Discuss with a dermatologist about expectation to find out the best solution

  • Draw lines to set up treated areas
  • Prepare before the treatment as suggested by a dermatologist and nurses
  • Commence the process of Deep Lock Gold Laser; a dermatologist/ a surgeon will appropriately adjust the depth of wavelength which is considered by skin problems of each patient 


Post-operation care after Deep lock gold laser

            We can live our normal life after the procedure because Deep lock gold laser does not damage but repair and tighten our skin; therefore, there is no need for recovery.



Q1 : Which areas of the face can be reshaped by 5D – Deep Gold Lift?

            A : 5D–Deep Gold Lift can restore skins in 5 dimensions reflecting 5 depth levels; therefore, every facial problem you concern could be lifted. For instance:

·      Eye Brow Lifting

·      De–Wrinkle around eyes

·      Smoothen Deep Fold

·      Tightening & Reshaping Fat –sagged Cheeks

·      Double Chin

·      Neck Lifting

·      Perioral wrinkle

Q2 : The result after the treatment?
            A : Wrinkles are reduced, face is lifted - more contoured, when compared with another non-treated face side. Especially for those with severe problems, the differences are easily noticed.
            : Moreover, the result is progressive after 4-6 weeks when the production of collagen is increased and fat is removed.

Q3 :Pain? Analgesics needed?

            A : Because the latest generation of HIFU divides the energy into small portions, and releases at 1,000 times per second, you might feel warm, but not painful during the treatment.

Q4 : Are there any scars or redness after the treatment?

            A : In addition to facial contour, your skin will be brightened, lightened, and smooth without any scars. You can put make-ups on and then go for dinner or to the party or work.

Q5 : How long does one-session procedure take?
            A : It is about 45-90 min, depending on areas to be treated.

Q6 : Single or multiple treatments?
            A : Deep Gold Lift might be “single treatment” because 5 Dimensions could be resolved in one session. The result can last for 6 months - 1 year, depending on individual skin problems.

Q7 : Is maintenance course needed after treatment?

            A : For prolonging and obvious results, maintenance program should be obtained as follows.

·      30+ years old

·      40+ years old

·      50+ years old


Q8 : For whom 5D Deep Gold Lift is suitable?
            A : 5D Deep Gold Lift is suitable for the 25 to more than 60-year- old in order to prevent aging or retrieve youthfulness.


Q9 : Is 5D – Deep Gold Lift internationally certified?
            A : This treatment machine is certified by European CE, ensuring the safety and efficiency.


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