PicoSure Focus Lens Array

Growth Factor Younger: PicoSure F.L.A. by CynoSure

Pressure Wave® Energy, the exclusive copyright of PicoSure F.L.A.
For Naturally Smooth, Spotless and Youthful Facial Skin.”

Transform the medical phenomena of laser technology 
to treat the skin at the cellular level.

Rejuvenated and Clearest Skin as if Photoshopped
✓ Laser Technology ✓ No Injection ✓ No Surgery


What does the Expert say?

     ‘Dr. Sunida Yuthayotin' or 'Dr. Nida', American Board aesthetic dermatologist, CEO & Founder of Nida Esth' Medical Centre: Premium Laser & Cosmetic Surgery Institute”, the No.1 comprehensive beauty institute internationally accepted and guaranteed with over 24 years of experience with the award of 'Facial Laser Centre with the Most Premium Technologies’ 3 years in a row from ‘168AsiaTopTen' and the most recently with the 'Editor's Choice’s Beauty Laser Technology Leader Award from Hello Beauty Magazine 2022' and HELLO Honorary Award 2023.
Today she will talk about her impressions of Growth Factor Younger: PicoSure F.L.A. by CynoSure


     Today, I'm going to talk about how achieving the goal for a young appearance is now much easier thanks to a significant discovery that recently shed light on the mystery of the key of youth. This is the core of the natural youth secret that I have uncovered to naturally enhance beauty and youth.

     The Growth Factor Younger (GF Younger) program was created most recently, and it was based on my expertise in the medical profession, where I provided laser skin care treatments to over 10,000 patients from across the world. I did my research and created it based on "Dual Science" method.

     I have combined the innovative PicoSure F.L.A. laser technology by CynoSure from the USA with Cellular Therapy with Biological Growth Factor: Bio-Peptide, which has been shown to have amazing results in visibly transforming the facial skin; it's like creating new skin from the cellular level. This results in new, bright, youthful and healthy skin that has never been seen before.

     Furthermore, the latest PicoSure version incorporates a Focus Lens Array, which is the secret to youthful, radiant skin with no freckles from Cell-Heal-Cell Theory to promote natural youthfulness."

What is GF Younger: PicoSure F.L.A by CynoSure?

     CynoSure PicoSure Focus Lens Array is the world's first laser technology from the United States that has been clinically shown to efficiently activate responses under the skin using high-frequency light waves at a speed of one trillionth of a second. It removes aberrant pigments immediately with powerful vibrations without causing heat. As a result, the skin could heal itself at the cellular level through a process known as Cell-Heal-Cell Theory. As a consequence, the skin will regain its young appearance in the most natural way possible, without the use of injections or surgery, and most importantly, without creating discomfort during the procedure. 

     In addition, the GF Younger program is combined with the work of 7 types of biological peptides that help enhance youthfulness by repairing damaged skin cells and enhancing the function of Skin Stem Cells after Cell Signaling Effect by PicoSure F.L.A. makes weak skin cells revitalize and become stronger similar to children's skin cells.

Growth Factor Younger: PicoSure F.L.A. by CynoSure


How does Fotona GF Younger: PicoSure F.L.A by CynoSure work?

PicoSure F.L.A. >> Cell Signaling >> Cell repair cells from the "outside"

     PicoSure F.L.A. has revolutionized laser work with Picosecond Laser Technology, which uses high-frequency light wave energy at a speed of one trillionth of a second to remove abnormal pigments with significant vibrations. It produces no heat, so there is no risk of skin burns, and the results are superior than traditional laser technology.

     Also, when the laser beam delivers energy through the Focus Lens Array, the sole proprietary technology from PicoSure CynoSure, the Pressure Wave® Effect and LIOB Phenomena will occur, resulting in two important reactions:

  1. The reaction to decompose excess melanin into microscopic particles which will be completely dissolved by the body to end the problem of freckles and dark spots and reveal smooth and clear skin without freckles.
  2. Cell Signalling Effect helps stimulate ‘Inactive Stem Cells’ under the skin to become ‘Active Stem Cells’ to get rid of the problem of aging skin and provide a naturally youthful skin result.

The Pressure Wave® Effect, which is unique to CynoSure, generates immense energy that breaks apart black pellets into sand-sized particles. As a result, the body's white blood cells are easily removed, leading blemishes and freckles to vanish efficiently in a short amount of time as compared to other technologies.

Biological Peptide (Growth Factor Therapy) >> Cells repair cells from the "inside"

     Bio-Peptide Therapy is the science of rejuvenating the skin to become youthful again employing the most suitable 7 types of biological peptides. They help replenish youthfulness by repairing damaged skin cells and enhancing the function of skin stem cells after Cell Signaling Effect by PicoSure F.L.A. which makes unhealthy skin cells revitalize and become healthier like children's skin cells, which is suitable for…

  • Individuals with delicate and sensitive skin
  • Individuals whose skin has been harmed and need immediate repair
  • Individuals with difficult-to-treat blemishes, freckles, or dark spots.
  • Individuals who desire of a perfectly natural and youthful facial skin with no need for injections or surgery



Expected Results of GF Younger: PicoSure F.L.A by CynoSure

     GF Younger: PicoSure F.L.A by CynoSure does not only breaks down pigment but also stimulates collagen, smoothing the skin and reducing wrinkles, It also stimulates the production of a massive amount of new elastin and collagen, which not only fades blemishes, freckles, and dark spots, but also helps the skin to be firm, smooth, and radiant while also reducing wrinkles.

Advantages of GF Younger: PicoSure F.L.A by CynoSure

>>Skin Revitalization<<

Reduces wrinkles, brighten the skin, increase firmness, make the skin glow and reduce large pores.

>>Removal of Pigmentation<<

Treats blemishes, freckles, dark spots from aging and from sunlight. In addition, it is possible to gently treat black marks and birthmarks with almost no scabs after the procedure and no wound.

>>Scar Therapy<<

Treats scars, acne scars, both new and old ones, including black and red marks from acnes

Who is suitable for GF Younger: PicoSure F.L.A by CynoSure?

     Suitable for everyone with all genders and all ages who want to have a "youthful skin" without risk, with concerns about the following problems.

Why GF Younger: PicoSure F.L.A by CynoSure at Nida Esth’ Medical Centre

Look Younger Immediately

A world-class laser technology centre where is ready to create a perfectly different youthful result.

Worldwide Real Results

Result of "Firm Skin - Younger Looking - Lifting Results" over 10,000+ cases from patients around the world.

International Awards and Honors

Awarded "World's Leading Skin Laser Centre" from regional rankings and Exclusive Interview from HELLO Magazine, Bangkok Post and 168AsiaTopTen.

Highly Experienced Medical Personnel

The team is led by Dr. Nida, American Board of Aesthetic Medicine with a team of nurses with a lot of experience.

Advanced Technique

Combining the science of laser with unique beauty techniques to answer all skin problems.

Excellent International Customer Service Care

With a team of specialized nurses who is ready to take care of you 24 hours a day throughout the treatment process.

Your Personalized Beauty Plan

Plan a personalized treatment program in the form of an AI Plan.

Advanced Analysis

Software that analyzes skin problems and compares skin age with real age in the form of 2D&3D Camera

Complete Package

Clearly compiles in-depth treatment packages for each case.

GF Younger: PicoSure F.L.A by Cynosure

Exclusive Personalized Beauty

     “From the first day of work until now I have always adhered to the concept of Personalized Beauty. The work of a cosmetic doctor is no different from other medical doctors. We need to thoroughly analyze the patient's problem as a starting point and design the treatment to the point. Currently, I use AI Software to help analyze the problem and design the treatment, both Skin•Hair•Slim.”

     At Nida Esth, we utilize German software called Skin Age Analysis to estimate skin age that can be compared to real age while treating skin conditions. It is also able to calculate the skin age on graphs. And, the AI will also measure the skin's hydration, pores, wrinkles, and melanin levels, along with the images from the 3D Camera and other examination, all of this data will be examined to create a personalized treatment plan and AI Plan”

     “To all of my patients, I will keep recording photos to analyze changes and compare treatment results with 3D Camera for patients to see all the time as, at Nida Esth', we dare to show results in real time because with our experience and modern technology, we are confident. that we can definitely make every case different. Therefore, the results of treatment at Nida Esth' are tangible and have proven the results in thousands of cases.”


1. Distinction and superiority over competing technologies

Answer: It is the most recent technology from the United States that employs the Cell Signalling Theory to modify the structure of the skin at the cellular level. It can emit a laser beam in a fraction of a second, Picosecond 10 to the power -12 seconds, without producing heat to the skin cells, resulting in effective outcomes. It is quick and has no side effects.

2. How long will it take to see changes?

Answer: You will see a clear change after the first treatment, including reduced freckles and a noticeably more youthful, radiant, and smoother skin. This rapid and clear change cannot be found in treatment with other types of technology.

3. The superiority of PicoSure F.L.A.


  • It has a laser wave range of 755 nm / 532 nm.
  • Pressure Wave® turns excess pigment into microscopic particles that are completely dissolved by the body. It is a facial laser that can effectively treat blemishes, freckles, and hard-to-treat dark spots.
  • LIOBs reaction that causes important stimulation under the skin to make the facial skin look young again
  • It does not create heat under the skin like other lasers, so there is no risk of skin burn.
  • A single treatment equivalent to 3 - 4 general laser treatments.
GF Younger: PicoSure F.L.A by Cynosure